School Guidelines
Young children learn most things from their parents and their siblings through imitation and reasoning. Parents and the other members of the extended family, therefore, have a very important role to play in the all round development of their children. It is for this reason that at Blossoms School, we wish to collaborate closely with parents and maintain an effective relationship with home.
We request the parents to help us pursue their wardseducation by seeing to the following guidelines:
School Diary
The diary is an effective means which bridges the home and the school. Parents are requested to look into the diary regularly. The teachers will communicate with you through this. Your prompt attention and action on any message/remark is very essential.
Parent - Teacher Meetings
We strongly believe that a child will certainly develop if there is an effective partnership between the school and the parents. Parents-Teacher meetings are held regularly to monitor the progress of each child.Parents participation in parents meet is mandatory.
Proper Uniform
Please ensure that your child comes to the school in proper and neat school uniform every day.
Student’s Personal Items
Name of the child should be written on each of the belongings of the child. We discourage the child to bring costly/dangerous items to the school. The school will not be responsible for any lost articles.
Absence of your child from school for attending social functions is discouraged. It is essential that the school be informed when a child is unable to attend the school. Children should remain presentation the closing day/reopening day or whenever there is a school function.
Picking Up Students
To receive the child back from the school, an identified person from the family should be there at the gate. If a child is wanted back at home urgently for any reason during school hours, the escort should have a written note from the parents bearing the signatures identical to his or her specimen signature entered in the Admission Form or Diary. At the same time the identity card of your ward should be produced.
Student's Participation
Please help your ward to develop all his or her potentialities by means of devoted and honest participation in the curricular and co-curricular activities of the school and also help him or her to practice punctuality and timely attendance.
Change of Address
Any change in the residential address or telephone numbers of the pupils must be notified to the school office.
Physical punishment and verbal abuse is strictly prohibited by the school authorities as it is extremely harmful to the development of the child. We sincerely request the parents to avoid striking their wards at home, as it may affect the attitude of the children towards learning.
Parental Visits
Parents/guardians are not allowed to enter the classes in the school hours. In certain exceptional cases permission may be granted by the Principal.
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